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Generative AI's Impact on CX Investment

With the launch of the ever-popular generative AI technology, ChatGPT, organizations have shifted their focus on how and where to invest their efforts and time into generative AI technologies in order to optimize their customer experiences and reshape customer interactions. As forward thinking companies continue to rethink strategies to revolutionize their CX investments, they're discovering ways to create personalized, engaging, and seamless experiences that delight customers while driving business growth.

Explore generative AI alongside Venk Korla (HGS Digital President & CEO) and Max Ball (Principal Analyst, Forrester Research) as they further examine the technology and how it can play a pivotal role in adopting a superior human plus digital CX strategy.


  • Unlock the benefits and potential value generative AI can bring to an organization
  • Explore specific strategies and methodologies used to implement generative AI technology effectively in CX processes
  • Understand the key role generative AI technology can play in transforming digital customer experience processes and driving growth